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Breast Improvement Massage

Vins introduced different kinds of techniques to improve Breast and reduce sagging of Breast.

Reiki Massage
Feng Shui
Chi Massage
mainly Lymph Draining along with slapping techniques & Fat Brushing and more techniques i should use to improve ur curves.

So, again, a breast massage is not the same thing as a breast self-exam, which is also crucial to evaluating your normal breast health . Breast self-exams involve palpating the breast tissue, and examining yourself regularly from all angles. It’s not really meant to be a relaxing process.
Breast massages, on the other hand, are meant for self-nurturing, Berman says. They’re done within the context of an Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage, or a full-body massage with oil. If you visit an Ayurvedic practitioner, they will massage the breasts in a circular motion, and then move to the armpits and breastbone as well. Or if you choose, you can practice breast massage on yourself using the same techniques (more on that below).

What are the health benefits of breast massage?

It depends on the person and their breasts, but there are a number of potential breast health and mental health benefits to this type of massage. Here are some of the main reasons experts say breast massage can help you.

Keep in mind, though, there really isn't scientific research on breast massage—so think of the benefits as anecdotal. Breast massage isn't harmful, though, so it's totally fine to experiment with it.

It can relieve tension from the breasts.

“From an Ayurvedic perspective, breast massage has a lot to do with releasing tension, If you don’t get massage, your breasts can get stagnant, since they’re made up primarily of fatty tissue." Manipulating the area adds movement, and can help clear the channels where fat builds up, she explains. Stagnation in your fat tissue can contribute to benign lumps or bumps forming, and bringing heat and additional circulation to the area may help break that up.

Breast massage may aid lymphatic drainage.

The breasts are part of the lymphatic system (so are the armpits), which can become congested and have blockages, particularly if you’ve had a surgery in the chest or breast area. Massaging and releasing stagnation in the chest area can help detox the lymphatic system—you may feel a release from your sinuses and feel the need to blow your nose afterward, Berman says. It’s important to work or have the practitioner work especially on the armpits, where the lymph nodes are concentrated, for additional release, Berman adds. If you have had surgery in the chest or breast area, speak with your doctor about breast massage first.

Breast massage can be beneficial for stress relief.

A massage should be meditative, and especially a massage to such a sensitive area. “Remember to touch with love and compassion,” Berman says. “The intention in your hands will leave an impression on your nervous system and you want that to be positive healing energy.”

As long as you’re not approaching the massage with anxious or angry thoughts, it can be a great stress reliever.